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Helsinki  Vantaa  Sipoo  Loviisa  Kotka

koira kissa ultraääni
sydämen ultraäänitutkimus 

Helsinki , Kotka, Porvoo, Hamina

Welcome to my website dedicated to small animal internal medicine and ultrasound diagnostics ! 

My mission is to help your pet enjoy a happy and healthy life.

Diagnostic process and caring for a sick pet can be difficult and frustrating. Communication between pet owner and veterinarian is vital to achieve best results. Treatment and care solutions must be always adjusted to both pet’s and owner’s needs at the same time.


It is very common for an animal to suffer from more than one disease at the time. It is important to look at the animal as a whole and decide which problems are a priority and how to treat them. I always treat the animal, not the disease.

I focus on the well-being of our patients in all their life stages.

Finding a way for you to enjoy your pet’s company for a long time is the most important thing to me.

More information about me and my professional education.

Eläinlääkäripalvelut UltraVet
About me
Internal Medicine

Internal medicine

heart diseases

Both dogs and cats can suffer from various heart diseases.

Pets suffering from heart diseases exibit cough, increased respiratory rate, breathing difficulties, loss of consciousness and lowered activity level.

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digestive tract and liver diseases

Diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, regurgitation, anorexia, pain and bloating in the stomach area, problems with defecation and drooling can all be symptoms of gastrointestinal problems in both dogs and cats.

Liver and biliary diseases, pancreatitis, gastritis, chronic enteropathies or colitis are some of the examples of gastrointestinal diseases in dogs and cats.

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hormonal disorders

An endocrine disease is caused by an imbalance in hormone levels due to the body producing  too much or too little of a specific hormone in the body.  The health effects are variable, with some endocrine diseases proving fatal if left untreated – but others are easily managed.

Hormonal problems cause a variety of symptoms. Many times changes in skin and hair quality,  appetite, weight, eating or drinking habits and activity level can be noticed.

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health care of elderly animals

Elderly pets suffer from many age-related diseases, as kidney, heart, thyroid and liver problems. They are also at greater risk of developing diabetes mellitus or cancer. 

Senior check-up is even more important if a dog or a cat start to exhibit symptoms, as weight loss, appetite changes, increased drinking or urination, lethargy, bad smells, loss of interest in playing, sleeping more than usually during the day or other behavioural changes.

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Diseases connected to the respiratory system are common problems within both cats and dogs. These can cause significant discomfort and risk to the pet's life.

Coughing, sneezing, secretion from the nose and dyspnea are the main symptoms for both upper- and lower respiratory tract issues.

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urinary tract and kidney diseases

Same as humans, dogs and cats are susceptible to issues that affect the urinary tract. These problems can range from mild discomfort to serious medical issues.

Frequent signs of urinary problems are frequent urination, difficulties urinating, blood in the urine, incontinence, urinating in unusual places or strange smell to the urine. Animals suffering from kidney problems many times start to drink and urinate more than usual.

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immune mediated and hematologic diseases

The immune system is very important to protect ourselves and pets from harmful viral and bacterial infections. Unfortunately, sometimes, the immune system malfunctions and starts causing disease, including destruction of cells and tissues, or inflammation and fever.

Hematologic abnormalities , such as anemia, white blood cell or platelet disorders can be caused by many acute and chronic diseases. 


These diseases can be challenging to diagnose. Confidently establishing a correct diagnosis is therefore vital to ensure good quality of life for the patient.

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Dogs and cats are affected by many viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases. Symptoms can be very variable and diagnosis require careful history taking, examination and laboratory testing.

Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine it is possible to diagnose and effectively treat many of such diseases and prevent possible zoonotic infections in humans.

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Articles, news and tips



Cough, increased respiratory rate, breathing difficulties, loss of consciousness and lowered activity level

Our services: echocardiography (heart ultrasound), X-rays, ECG, Holter, blood pressure measurement


Respiratory problems

Cough, problems breathing, increased respiratory rate, exercise intolerance

Our services: X-rays, thoracic ultrasound, blood samples

*if animal has a heart murmur additional cardiologic consultation might be needed 

Abdominal and gastrointestinal problems

Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, abdominal masses

Our services: abdominal ultrasound examination, blood sample, x-rays

Urinary tract and kidney problems

increased frequency or painful urination , blood in the urine, increased drinking or urination, elevated kidney value

Our services: abdominal ultrasound examination, complete urine examination, blood sample, x-rays, blood pressure

Hormonal disorders, immune mediated or hematologic diseases

undefined symptoms, general well-being problems, increased drinking or urination, unexplained weight loss or gain, increased appetite, behavioural changes, apathy, exercise intolerance. Our services: complete urine and blood examination, broad abdominal ultrasound examination, blood pressure measurement


Ultrasound examinations

Abdominal ultrasound examination is an important diagnostic tool which allows evaluation of urinary bladder and kidneys, liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract and many others. Cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) is the best way to diagnose heart diseases in dogs and cats. We are equipped with high quality ultrasound system which allows full evaluation of abdominal, thoracic, cardiac, eye and musculoskeletal problems. The examination is painless, fast, easy, and does not usually require sedation of the animal.

Ultrasound examinations:

Echocardiography (cardiac ultrasound)

Abdominal ultrasound

Thoracic ultrasound

Neck ultrasound


Additional testing

Patients with cardiac or respiratory problems require radiographic examination to establish a final diagnosis and treatment. Radiographs are also used to help diagnosing problems in the abdominal cavity, such as urinary calculi. We are equipped with modern digital x-ray system which allows fast and high quality diagnostic evaluation your pet. Modern equipment (ECG, Holter, blood pressure monitoring device) and wide range of diagnostic tools allows us to quickly and efficiently help your animal. 

Other examinations:

ECG, resting - 5 min

Holter: ECG 24h

Blood pressure measurement


Diagnostic evaluation of your pet frequently requires laboratory testing. Blood tests helps diagnosing several problems, e.g. infections, kidney and liver problems, diabetes mellitus or electrolyte abnormalities. Urine is frequently checked if infections of urinary tract or kidney problems are suspected. More advanced endocrynological, microbiological or histopathological examinations, are done by co-operation with external laboratories.

Possible additional testing:

Blood examinations

Urine sampling by cystocentesis or catheterization

Cytologic examinations (blood smears, FNA)

Centeses (eg. thoracocentesis, abdominocentesis, pericardiocentesis)

Bacteriologic or viral testing


Screening examinations for breeding


We are equipped with high quality ultrasound systemECG and Holter.
We are approved by the Finnish Kennel Club for conducting official heart auscultations, ultrasound, EKG/Holter examinations (PEVISA),

as well as official kidney and heart ultrasound examinations for cats (Kissaliitto, PawPeds).

Our services for dogs:

Official heart auscultation

Official cardiac ultrasound

Official cardiac ultrasound and ECG

Official Holter exmination

Gall bladder mucocele screening

HOLTER-monitor rent

Group screenings

Our services for cats:

Official cardiac ultrasound, HCM

Kidney ultrasound, eg. PKD

Cardiac and kidney ultrasound, (HCM + PKD)

Group screenings



Booking an appointment

UltraVet is a mobile veterinary service providing internal medicine and cardiology consultations for small animal clinics in Helsinki , Sipoo, Vantaa, Loviisa and Kotka.

Ahma Eläinklinikka (Helsinki), Loviisan Eläinklinikka Lovet (Loviisa), Eläinlääkäri MinVet (Kotka)

Booking: 020-7418535 (Mon - Fri: 10-18),

Price list and payment methods

 Pieni Eläinsairaala Morelius (Vantaa), Sipoon Pieneläinklinikka Morelius (Sipoo)

Booking and Price list: find a clinic on the list below and contact the clinic directly.

Contact: 020 735 3620 ,

Check our monthly schedule HERE


UltraVet's  Clinics

Loviisan Eläinklinikka LOVET


Seppäläntie 19, 07920 Loviisa

Appointments:  Mondays , Wednesdays

019 - 543115,

Emergencies: Mon-Fri: 019-543115


All ultrasound examinations

ECG, Holter, Blood pressure 


Laboratory (incl. in-house lab)

Blood and urine examinations

Cytologic examinations (incl. FNAs)

Thoraco-, abdomino-, pericardiocenteses

Bacteriological and viral testing

Internet booking and Price list

Ahma Eläinklinikka


Leskirouva Freytaginkuja 15 B 32, 00790 Helsinki

Appointments:  Tuesdays


All ultrasound exams

ECG, Holter, Blood pressure



Blood and urine examinations

Cytologic examinations

Fine needle aspirates (FNAs)

Bacteriological and viral testing

Internet booking and Price list


Korkeavuorenkatu 2 lh. 6, 48100 Kotka

Appointments: once a month (Mondays)


All ultrasound examinations

ECG, Holter, Blood pressure


Blood and urine examinations

Cytological examinations

Fine needle aspirates (FNAs)

Bacteriological and viral testing

Internet booking and Price list

Pieni Eläinsairaala Morelius

logo vantaa.jpg

Vantaankoskentie 14 a, 01670 Vantaa

Appointments: Thursdays

020 735 3620 ,



All ultrasound examinations

ECG, Holter, Blood pressure



Blood and urine examinations

Cytological examinations

Fine needle aspirates (FNAs)

Bacteriological and viral testing

Sipoon Pieneläinklinikka Morelius


Läntinen puistotie 13, 04130 Sipoo

Appointments: once a month (Wednesday)

020 735 3620 ,



All ultrasound examinations

ECG, Holter, Blood pressure



Blood and urine examinations

Cytological examinations

Fine needle aspirates (FNAs)

Bacteriological and viral testing


Patient Referral


You can use this form to send us information about not urgent consultations. You can also send the whole referral directly to the email, without filling out the form:

All our referral patients receive a complete report from the examination, including interpretation of the results, further diagnostic and treatment suggestions.​

For more urgent consultations contact us by phone: 019-543115

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